Correcting a Poorly Left Impression: A Guide for Job Seekers in Canada

Starting a new career in a different country can be a daunting experience, especially when you've been trained and experienced in a different cultural setting. The job market in Canada, like many other countries, strongly emphasizes soft skills such as empathy, self-awareness, courage, and commitment.

While building new relationships and networking pathways, do you wonder if you could have done better? Mistakes are bound to happen when taking on the challenge to thrive in an unknown environment. What is essential is not to lose hope and to know that people appreciate humility, empathy, and honesty almost unanimously.

Correcting a poor impression due to cultural differences and unfamiliarity with new workplace norms can be challenging, but it's not impossible.

First off, let’s put the burning question to rest. What should you do if you have passed on a less than impression to someone? Let’s start with the understanding that useful relationships are rooted in goodwill. Some skills to support your efforts are:

1. Empathy: Canadians value empathy in the workplace. It's about understanding and considering the feelings and perspectives of others. A lack of empathy can lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships with colleagues and supervisors.

2. Self-awareness: Ever heard someone say - “I like them because they seem to know what they want.” ?? Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and how you come across to others is highly regarded in Canada because it helps individuals adapt to different situations and work effectively in diverse teams. It helps you be a more assertive communicator, which helps with setting a good impression.

3. Courage: In the Canadian workplace, having the courage to speak up, offer suggestions, and take initiative is appreciated. It demonstrates confidence and a commitment to the organization's success. Be respectful, humble, honest yet assertive, and you will see that more people will understand you better.

4. Commitment: People value commitment and loyalty. Consistently delivering on your promises and going the extra mile is a surefire way to make a positive impression. If you have fallen short, explain your circumstances to the best of your ability and evaluate if you can re-engage with the undertaking.

The good news is that all of these are capabilities you can develop. While some brave souls go at it alone, most prefer a more objective approach, i.e., working with a coach.

Introducing the PurpleWins Career Starter Program

It is designed specifically for job seekers in Canada, especially those from different cultural backgrounds. Here's what makes it stand out:

Cultural Sensitivity: Purple Wins understands the unique challenges newcomers face in Canada and offers culturally sensitive coaching to help you navigate the job market effectively.

Experienced Coaches: Our team of experienced coaches is dedicated to helping you develop the soft skills in high demand in Canada.

Tailored Support: The program is personalized to your needs, ensuring you receive the guidance and coaching that will benefit you the most while remaining supported by top career technology tools.

Proven Results: PurpleWins has a track record of helping job seekers correct poor impressions and secure meaningful employment in Canada.

Don't let cultural differences or a lack of familiarity with Canadian workplace norms hold you back. Take the first step towards a successful career in Canada with PurpleWins. Visit our website at and start your journey to a brighter future today. Remember, with the proper guidance and commitment, you can overcome any challenge and leave a positive, lasting impression on potential employers in Canada.


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