Empowering Migrant Professionals: The Purple Wins Way

Over the last two years at Purple Wins, we’ve been privileged to support over 30 migrant professionals in their journey to establish fulfilling careers in Canada. The experience has been truly rewarding. When you partner someone on their career journey, your investment is real.

As a six-time migrant to countries across three continents (including Canada and USA) ,having worked across multiple industries and even having worn the hat of a recruiter, I have worked through many of the challenges new migrants face, and emerged fairly satisfied with my experiences.

A new country presents a unique set of challenges, from cultural adaptation to navigating unfamiliar job markets to lack of support and guidance to the total regard for foreign experience.

Many of our clients initially struggle to find their footing in the Canadian workforce, but through personalized coaching and tailored strategies, we’ve helped them overcome these obstacles and unlock their full potential. How? Our coach team at Purple Wins takes a deep dive into what’s not working for you, and lean on what you bring to the table. The goal is to find you a place you can thrive professionally. We lean on real data to find out what you do best, what you want to do and then design a plan to get you where you deserve to be.

Our clients come to us through various channels, but often through word of mouth and referrals from past clients. Regardless of how they find us, or which package they choose, our goal remains the same: to provide comprehensive support tailored to their individual needs.

One common challenge faced by migrant professionals is the adjustment to Canadian workplace culture. Differences in communication styles, networking practices, and workplace dynamics can be daunting. Through our coaching, we help our clients navigate these cultural nuances with confidence, empowering them to communicate effectively and thrive in their new environment.

Another significant hurdle for many migrants is the recognition of their credentials and experience in Canada. Despite possessing valuable skills and qualifications, they may face barriers to employment due to lack of recognition or understanding of their background. Our team works closely with each client to showcase their strengths and align their experiences with the expectations of Canadian employers.

Take Sarah, for example. Sarah immigrated to Canada with a background in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices but desired to transition into corporate finance. While she had the skills and knowledge needed for her new career path, she faced challenges in articulating her qualifications to potential employers.

Through personalized coaching sessions, we helped Sarah highlight her transferable skills, refine her resume, and prepare for finance-specific interviews. Additionally, we connected her with industry mentors and networking opportunities to expand her professional circle. With our support, Sarah not only secured a position in corporate finance but also excelled in her new role, leveraging her ESG expertise to make a meaningful impact.

Sarah’s success story is just one example of the many migrant professionals we’ve helped along their career journeys. Whether our clients are in corporate finance, marketing, IT, healthcare, or any other field, our approach remains consistent: personalized support, industry expertise, and a commitment to their success.

PS- We facilitate an option to break down your invoice into 12 monthly payments. We do this to ease the financial burden on new migrants while building on a longer term approach to coaching as continuing education.


Embracing Avian Wisdom for Career Success